“All people of the earth will sing in joy as the world is brought to harmony!” (Psalm 67)
Meditational map of consciousness
$250 (includes shipping)
This painting is of Psalm 67 written by King David.
The 150 Psalms of King David were written prophetically with Divine inspiration, and there is deep mystical significance in every letter. This Psalm envisions the time when all nations and all peoples of the earth will come together in harmony. It is a prayer for peace in the world.
There is a tradition to write this particular Psalm in the form of a menorah with 7 branches. The 7 branches of the menorah parallel 7 Sefirot of consciousness discussed in the Kabbalah. These 7 Sefirot and one of many ways of translating their meaning and associated state of consciousness is:
Chesed – Loving Kindness
Gevurah – Humility
Tiferet – Harmony
Netzach – Eternity
Hod – Thankfulness
Yesod – Unity
Malchut – Central Point in the Heart
This Psalm contains 49 words. When written in the form of the menorah, there are also 49 letters in the words of the central column. The 49 words and letters reflect the 7 Sefirot each including within themselves all 7 of the Sefirot. These are the 49 stages of spiritual development discussed in the Kabbalah that brings us to the 50th Gate of Bina. Bina represents the spiritual realization of complete unconditional love.
This Psalm is included in the daily order of prayers and is found in the Siddur (prayer book). There is a beautiful tradition to pray this Psalm as a prayer for peace in the world, in the form of the menorah, every evening at sunset and every morning at sunrise.