This is one of a series of conceptual artworks by Reb Shaya, intended to visually convey the spiritual structure of mitzvos in our tradition. The Mikveh (ritual bath) is an environment representing the universe as a whole, and our immersion in its pure waters is an opportunity for purification and increased awareness. Each of the sides of the cube corresponds to one of the 6 sefiros, and the top, middle and bottom are associated with three major names of Hashem: the top is the name Ekyeh, the middle the name Havaya, and the bottom the name Ad-nai, each with its own special significance. According to different traditions, we immerse ourselves a certain number of times to have all these dimensions in mind, all the while seeking to re-unite with the source which the Mikveh represents. Digital art, 18 x 14 in ( 46 x 35 cm ). Limited Edition premium Giclee prints.